currently researching african animation : interested in compiling a database of practitioners in various sub-saharan countries : welcome any postings from practitioners

Monday, June 20, 2016

Comic Book Artist: Salim Busuru

Recently stumbled across Salim Busuru's comics via a recommendation from Kenyan animator Alfred Muchilwa. These characters look like they could populate an animation...

You can view the portfolio of his work at:

Madagascar animation at Annecy

Although little is known about animation from Madagascar, in 2015 Annecy showcased the cut-out animation L’Oranger d’Itrimobe by Sitraka Randriamahaly. A quick search for Randriamahaly suggests that there are other practitioners and artists in animation.

The Musee Dapper's showcase of Madagascar films (Friday 24th June, 2016)  lists two animations:

• Le Soleil se lève...puis se couche, de Jiva Eric Razafindralambo, animation, 8 min, 2005
Dès l'aube, un homme, accompagné de son zébu, reprend le travail commencé le jour d'avant.

• Iny Hondo izy Ravorona (La berceuse), de Sitraka Randiamahaly, animation, 10 min, 2012
Un enfant naît dans un petit village au coeur de la forêt. Il pleure, rit, joue et grandit. Mais, un jour, il tombe malade. Prix Dan-Faso du meilleur film africain d'animation, Fespaco 2013